Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 83: Demonstrate the arbitrariness of human timekeeping

Day 83
Today, I’m supposed to call someone I know across the ocean and share the arbitrariness of human timekeeping with them.
I’d totally do this if I knew anyone across the ocean. But I don’t.
So this morning, I share the thought with Mike. This quickly turns into quoting Doctor Who, that time is like a “ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff”.
I spend the whole morning clinging to Mike, making out with him a lot. I don’t want him to go.
When he does have to leave, I cry. I know I’m ridiculous, but I may not see him again for another 2 weeks. I don’t want that, I want him around always.
I may sound crazy, but it seems nothing bad can happen with him around. I can definitely think of times when bad stuff has happened, times I’ve cried in front of him, but I still know things are better with him there.
And now he’s not here, so I’m upset.
This only lasts a few minutes, then I start looking forward to the next time I see him. Yay, only 2 weeks!


Looking back on that? Yeah, I did sound crazy.
in other news, I've started a new blog showing off my creative writing bits. Won't be updated as frequently, but will be a hell of a lot more interesting than my boring life.


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