Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 48: Hello!

Day 48
Today, I’m supposed to have a complete stranger write down their first impression of me.
I meet many strangers, unfortunately, all while I’m working.
I kind of try to sense what they think of me. I’m pretty sure I come off as a nice person, if a little nervous sometimes.
I meet some new co-workers today too.
There’s this one kid, younger than me but acts like he’s superior to me in every way. He annoys me to no end.
Towards the end of my shift, about 22 people come in at once and I happen to be the only one on register. Luckily, I don’t screw up a lot, and people seem to be very understanding. (except for one bitchy woman.)
I can’t actually do my task today, as after work, I don’t go anywhere and I can’t meet a stranger. The day hasn’t been so bad, except for the little panic attack I had with the 22 people.
I have a weird dream tonight. I dream of a Jamba Juice opening near my house. (Since moving from California, the one thing I’ve missed most is Jamba Juice. Delicious smoothies are always good.) In the dream, this Jamba explodes. And kills my boyfriend. The sad part is, I still really want one to open here.


I remember that snotty little kid.
I remember, unimportant as it seemed at the time, I had that 22 person line because he was supposed to be on register with me and he was joking with one of the kitchen people instead. She was working while joking, he wasn't.
He ended up getting fired. His mom had apparently been pulling him out of work, and she was the one telling our boss about it, not him.
Seriously, at some point, mommy can't do it for you.


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