Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 44: Defy superstition

Day 44
Today, I’m supposed to defy superstition.
I’m very superstitious, so this could be hard for me. On the other hand, I do already know many many many superstitions.
I don’t really defy any superstitions in the morning, but my day at work goes okay anyways.
An old man gives me some hard butterscotch candies. I can’t get tips working at McDonald’s, but this is close enough and it makes me happy.
Another old man tells me I’m good-looking. I’m pretty sure my face looks exactly like :D.
I finally learn how to make coffee! I don’t drink coffee, but now I can make it awesome for other people.
On my way home, I’m singing in the car. I declare the car to be my stage, then, to break superstition, I shout out, “MACBETH.” The car doesn’t immediately break down, but I’m still spooked.
I get home, and after some time relaxing, I have dinner.
My mom calls, I tell her I’ve already eaten, she gets mad because she’s been planning dinner.
I know she’s pissed off, and I’m scared that she’s going to yell at me.
But, it all gets resolved and we’re fine.
Then my dog poos on the floor and I have to pick it up.
And I just remembered there is a new Glee on tonight, this makes everything SO MUCH BETTER.
Glee is awesome.
But then after it’s over, I have to try to sleep. And I can’t sleep. I’m lying there awake for hours before I do finally sleep.


I still have those butterscotch candies sitting in my room.
No, definitely not planning on eating them. I'm not so much a fan of butterscotch.
I just keep them to remind myself not everything about this job sucks.


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