Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 121: No TV Weekend [and Pi-Con!]

Day 121
Today, it’s actually been 5 days since my last entry. Those days were boring and uninteresting.
So today I am at Mike’s house. I am not supposed to watch TV.
We’re spending today at Pi-Con, a scifi/fantasy/general geek convention we’ve been looking forward to for weeks.
I’m dressed as Buffy, a last-minute costume I put together. My Dalek costume is done and awesome, but I don’t know how many people will be in costume and I don’t want to stand out. Buffy’s simple—it’s everyday clothing, plus a stake.
I first go to a panel on mistakes writers make. And I do learn a few things which I will use.
Then I plan to go to another panel, but I skip it. I get distracted talking to this guy who was a RA at UMass and he’s telling me if the job’s worth it.
I never really catch his name, but his initial’s on his nametag, so I’ll call him D.
I walk around the various rooms, seeing what else is there.
Then Mike has to go. He has to work, and he’s leaving me there till he’s done and can come get me.
At first, this is cool. I go to more panels (one on costuming that’s pretty interesting—how to make costumes on a budget. There’s another one which obviously wasn’t interesting because I don’t remember).
Then I get all sad and lonely. I stay in the game room doing logic problems by myself for a few hours until they kick me out to run a roleplaying game.
Then I wander around till I realize, hey there’s free food in the consuite. So I head in there to have a little bit of dinner, and I end up just hanging out and talking to people. It’s fun.
I go to some more panels—one about Doctor Who that was awesome—and then Mike’s back.
He’s now in his Doctor costume. He tells me some girl wanted to be his Companion and I’m honestly momentarily jealous before he follows it up “but I told her my girlfriend wouldn’t like that”.
We check out some of the parties in the hotel, but leave quickly because I am so tired.


Pi-Con's in less than a week I am so excited
It was surprisingly easy to last without TV for a weekend, probably because Pi-Con was that awesome.


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