Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 113: Today see a film beginning with F [and a question]

Day 113
Today I have to see a movie beginning with the letter F.
But first, a doctor’s appointment. It’s just a checkup.
I’m perfectly healthy, yay. I even learn that I am most definitely not pregnant!
Even though I knew I wasn’t, hearing that is just a huge relief.
Then I have to have blood drawn for various tests. This results in me crying. I do not like blood.
I end up getting to work half an hour late, but luckily it’s not a problem.
The day happens, and I don’t really remember most of it to be honest. It was work, nothing to talk about.
Then I’m home and I need to pick out my F movie.
I choose Flight of the Navigator. It’s on the list in the book, plus I know my parents like it.
Haven’t started watching it yet, but I will. It’s only 8, I have time.
So now I am watching it. It’s a good movie.
I like the aliens in the spaceship. I like that they’re puppets and not CGI. They seem more real than “realistic” CGI now, probably because people can’t really interact with CGI like they could puppets.


Would you be more interested in reading this blog if you were reading about what my life is like right now?
I could start contrasting last year's Book with this year's. I'm just worried about that because my schedule for the blog will get a little more crazy than it is now. I can't think every day, hence the point of writing all this a year beforehand.
I just actually do want people to read this.


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