Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 142: Senseless Day--Taste [and blogging]

Day 142
To be honest, I left the Book in my dorm.
I search online to see if someone else has done this and if they give me the challenge. And, hey, someone does! right now, it seems this person’s only a few days ahead of me.
Seems like her copy of the book is different than mine, or she’s paraphrasing it differently than how I would understand it.
Anyways. I’m not supposed to use my sense of taste today. Too bad I figured this out after deciding today I would create my own pie recipe. How am I supposed to make a recipe without tasting it?
Well except for that, I’ll avoid tasting things. Bland food for me today. I can handle that.
I make the pie, and right now it looks good. Looking good is important for pies, right?
Nothing else really happens today. I do eat, but I try to eat more for the sake of getting food into my stomach than for the taste, something kind of hard for me since I’ve been paying attention to food for a long time. I actually just realized while typing that that I have been a foodie for over a year now. That’s over a year of noticing how food is made and how it tastes—and today I’m supposed to go back to my not caring. It’s hard.
I watch Julie & Julia tonight as I eat my pie. (off the record, it tastes good! But I’m not supposed to know that) Ironically, one of the first scenes in the movie is Amy Adams’ character making a pie similar to mine.
This movie is sort of what inspired me to have a blog. It gave me two goals when I first saw it: have a blog with a sort of goal, to make me write every day, and to get famous from it.
That first goal has been met by the Book.
The second goal, depends on how many people are reading this! One great thing about writing my blog out a year beforehand? I don’t have to worry about your approval yet.
But I hope that right now, there is someone out there reading these words and caring about my life, even though when you read this, it’ll be long over.
Wait, that sounds like a suicide note. Just that this part of my life will be long over—hopefully I’m still alive in a year!
In the movie, someone said that Amy Adams’ character should get Paypal so people can give money to her blog. Should I do that, I wonder? It’s not like anyone’s going to send me money to help me on my journey when the journey’s done.
I only decided to do the posting the blog a year after it’s written so that I could make sure people would get regular updates. But now trying to actually think of it as a regular blog, it doesn’t make sense.
Oh well, I do have to stick to it now, it would be weird to randomly start the blog mid-year.
And again the movie’s relating to my life. When her cooking goes wrong, she has an emotional meltdown—and the same thing does happen to me. It’s not fun but it happens.


I'm not getting many readers. Oh well.

I'd like to be famous on the internet. I once was, in the Danny Phantom fandom. I wrote some parodies of the episodes that got popular. Someone even turned them into a comic. I miss that little taste of fame.

I'm not going to ask for money. I really don't have enough readers. I'm not sure I have any.

Although in another attempt to get internet famous, I'm jumping on the My Little Pony bandwagon. New pony blog. Check it out.


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