Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 184: Are You Witty?

Day 184
Today I need to write down everything I say and see if I’m witty.
The first person I talk to is the janitor, who yells at me because I need to brush my teeth when he cleans the showers. What I said then is, “I’m only brushing my teeth!”
I then took the bus to see Mike, and didn’t talk to anyone on the way. When I saw Mike, we talked about food mostly. I hadn’t eaten by this point.
I don’t talk much when I’m at Mike’s house either. I complain to him a bit because I’m still hungry.
Then Mike’s family takes us to a corn maze, which is fun. There’s lots of talking while we’re in the maze, nothing particularly witty that I can remember (or will admit to saying). But the maze is really fun.
And since I’ve been back in my dorm, I’ve spoken to no one.
I did just get a package from the cluster office, but all I said was “I’m here to pick up a package.” Boring, right?
I’m normally actually pretty witty. Except today apparently.


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