Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 254: New Punctuation

Day 254
Finish the book.
Exercise more.
Wear my retainer more.
Also, today’s task is to create a new punctuation mark. I couldn’t think of one, so I’m using a combination now. Sarcasm can be denoted by a period and a second punctuation mark. This is a sarcastically happy sentence, like one a valley girl would say.!
I’m tired of working. 4 more days and I’m done.
Oh also, I’m going to use today to clarify existing punctuation. A shocked question ends in ‘?!’ and nothing else, just that.


Happy new year.
I managed to do two of those resolutions.
I exercised more, and lost about 15 pounds this year, and did finish the book.
bad with the retainer though.
My goal this year is lose 20 pounds.


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