Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 239: Bullshit the internet [and going home]

Day 239
I have a final early this morning, okay, I do it, the end.
Then I pack up my room, and Mike takes me home.
I like spending the day with him. Even when we get home, we get to go see a movie together. Tron. So good, even though I fell asleep at parts. (hey, I got up early.)
Then I’m finally really home, my stuff all unpacked, and I’m alone. My parents are filming a play in Portsmouth, so they’re spending the night there since it’s so far. I’m all alone for the rest of tonight and most of tomorrow.
Today’s task was to bullshit on the internet. Easy enough, everyone does that. So I answered the most recent questions on Yahoo Answers. Here is what I said:
Someone asked about bringing a dog into Germany. I know nothing about this. “I don't know about the paperwork, sorry.
But for the landing in Britain question, that depends on a few things, I think. Are you going to leave the airport at any time with the dog? because if so, then yes the dog needs to satisfy the requirements. If you're not leaving the airport, are you going to be with your dog or will it be in a carrier in the cargo area? If it's treated as cargo, then don't worry about the requirements, but if you're going to be with it, you should definitely find out more.”
Another asked about the compatibility of roommates based on astrological signs. “I think you two will be okay, but not super great friends. Not much in common, but you won't absolutely hate each other”
Someone asked why no one swears in EastEnders, which all I know is it’s a British soap opera. I think. “Kids can watch it.” Two thumbs up on that.
Someone asked about reapplying for a FAFSA. “You can try reapplying, but you may be declined because you already applied. If that happens, just call whoever's running FAFSA (I forget who that is) and explain your situation and it should be fine. or not, 'cause it is the government and they're really frustrating to deal with at times.”
An opinion one: would you rather listen to Christian or classical music for the rest of your life? “I'd prefer Christian. I'm not Christian myself, but the "genre" of music covers a large variety of styles, so I'd at least get to hear some different things.” How did I get a thumbs-down on this?
Someone asked about a loan and something about real estate and I copied someone else’s answer. “I don't think it's required, but that might depend on where you are.
It's not a bad thing. Your real estate agent is not trying to scam you by making you get one.” A thumbs up.
So apparently I’m good at this bullshitting thing. Except for that thumbs-down one, but that was an opinion. I’m pretty sure that people just hate me because I can respect the music despite being agnostic. Omg, tolerance? What kind of madness is this?


I'm leaving school today, but without Mike. boo.


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