Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 236: Chase a butterfly

Day 236
It’s not 100 days till I’m done with the book, silly me.
My dad comes today to pack up most of my room. He’s only here for a few hours, but that’s okay. The room feels so empty.
Mike helps with the packing, but he just left to go see a friend’s swim meet. I would’ve gone, but my tailbone can’t handle sitting on bleachers right now.
Anyways. He’ll be back later.
Today’s task is to chase a butterfly away from its path to see if it really does cause a hurricane somewhere. It’s kind of hard to find a butterfly out in the snow, but I did chase a fly.


Mike won't be helping with packing this year.
I'm sad. I get why. He has to work. I just wish he would come.


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