Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 234: Buy a newspaper

Day 234
Today I’m supposed to buy a newspaper. I forget to do this, and the day goes bad.
Mike and I can’t hang out till really late. I misread the bus schedule and I’m stuck waiting outside in pouring rain for over an hour.
Then, I spend some time with Mike, happy time. We go visit a friend.
But when we leave, there’s trouble. It’s still raining, and we’re on the top floor of a building with outside stairs that are very narrow. I slip.
I fall down half a flight before I’m able to stop. It’s absolutely terrifying and painful.
I have trouble sitting in Mike’s car and so I ask him to take me to the hospital. I think my tailbone is broken.
It takes a long time to get seen, and I’m scared and in pain. This is the first time I’ve been in the hospital in years, and the first time I’ve gone in without my parents.
Mike is really great, staying with me.
It turns out that my tailbone is only bruised. But it really really really hurts and it will take a while to heal.


I remember that. It hurt.


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