Day 235
100 days till I’m done with the book.
I make absolutely sure to do today’s task (memorize the
features of a girl in the book—she’s got medium length average brown hair,
greenish brown eyes, small nose, generally soft features but a look on her face
that shows she won’t put up with any shit) and I just want to be sure nothing
bad will happen.
Well, today still kind of sucks ‘cause I get kicked out of
the lounge area, Mike has to leave me for 3 hours, and my butt hurts.
But I do get to spend the whole day with Mike so that part’s
Mike doesn’t seem to be having a good day, but he’s being a
good boyfriend by being with me when I want him to be here. He could’ve just
dropped me off at the bus this morning.
We kind of argue with each other when I start nagging him
(he hasn’t registered for classes for next semester yet! and I want him to do
that) but we get over that and we’re good.
Mike never did get into classes that semester but I don't nag him as much now. I just worry a bit about him.
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