Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 69: Downsizing Day

Day 69
Today, I have to fire someone from my ‘entourage’. It’ll save me money, apparently.
I can’t think of a single person in my life I want to get rid of.
I guess I’d save the most money firing Mike, considering I spend so much time talking to him and so much gas going to see him (and he does the same), but I’m not going to do that.
What I end up firing is actually a thing. My electric razor.
It’s broken twice, and both times I’ve had to buy a $20 replacement. But when it breaks this morning, I say screw it and just use a regular razor.
I have no idea what I’m doing, but somehow the hair comes off my legs and I don’t cut myself.
I go to Julia’s graduation party today. I don’t know most of the people there, but it’s fun to hang out anyways.
Until my period randomly starts again, that sucks.
But then I come home after the party and watch TV and all’s good.
Some guy IMs me as I’m randomly surfing the internet. Apparently he found me on this Facebook application, Are You Interested, and yeah, he’s interested in me.
I’m a little bit flattered, but also a little creeped out. My Facebook profile picture is terrible, and there’s no way anyone could find me attractive from that.
I just tell this guy I have a boyfriend, and he stops talking to me. This is an awesome feeling. I’m finally that girl that’s being hit on and is totally unavailable because I am just so devoted to my boyfriend. I feel so wanted and it’s a good feeling.
I should change my profile on that to say I have a boyfriend. I’m gonna do that now.
While surfing the internet, I find a picture of some girls wearing dresses that make them look like Daleks from Doctor Who. The dresses are pretty cute, and seem easy to remake for myself. And since Mike has an awesome Doctor costume, all we’d need is a place to go.
I find a sci-fi/geek convention really close to Amherst at the end of summer. We’re going to that, then.
I’m not telling Mike what the costume is. I want to surprise him. The girls in the picture are getting all sorts of comments on how hot they are, and even though I don’t have the same body type as them, I only want Mike to think I’m hot. Everyone else, I just want them to think I’m creative.


Two things that happened after this day.
1. A lot more guys started hitting on me. Not just online, offline. It's not a huge amount, but more than I was getting before I met Mike.
I don't get why.
2. The Dalek costume turned out AWESOME.


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