Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 55: Pancake Day

Day 55
Today, I’m supposed to flip the perfect pancake.
I decide to do this after work. It’d take too much time to do it for breakfast.
While I’m at work, I make plans to drive out to see Mike tonight. I so can’t wait to see him, it’s been too long.
I meet some interesting customers today—the most interesting being the one who accused me of adding up the tax wrong. I have to consider him an idiot, really. The cash register does it, and I have no control over what the tax is.
Apparently Saturdays are now “Super Saturdays” and there’s balloons everywhere. Plus we get cake.
Everyone is excited to watch the World Cup. Customers and coworkers are glued to the TV in the lobby, cheering on the US team. Personally, I don’t even know which teams are playing.
I finish work and get home to quickly pack for visiting Mike. I’m so excited!
Before I go, I make dinner for my family. It’s a breakfast for dinner, with pancakes being the main dish of course. I’m making them on a griddle, so I can’t flip them in a pan, but I do manage to flip one perfectly.
Then, I start my drive out. I stop at Target to buy a swimsuit because Mike mentioned I should bring one. While I’m there, I happen to pick up the final book of the Pretty Little Liars series. Such a good series, I can’t wait to read it.
I arrive at Mike’s house later than I expected. It’s raining pretty hard, so that slowed me down.
I’m so happy to see him. I can’t help but hug him tight and kiss him so much. I really missed him.
We spend most of the night making out before I go to bed—in a bed separate from his, of course. Don’t get any ideas.


Oh yeah, last year I was able to sleep in the room next to Mike's.
this year, if I visit, I'm banned to their downstairs couch which is extremely uncomfortable, and I'm not allowed to see him at all this weekend like we planned because his parents won't be home. even if I don't set foot inside his house. I'm not supposed to be in the area because oh no we might do something.
kind of hurts, now that I remember last year. apparently his parents think all we're going to do is jump in bed together, so I can't see him at all.
our work schedules collide so often that we're not going to see each other much this summer, and this is one less chance.

I don't want to say anything bad about his parents. they're really nice people. I just don't understand their thought process about this, and I really want to see Mike.


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