Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 47: Tonight count sheep and cure insomnia

Day 47
Today, I’m supposed to count sheep tonight when I fall asleep.
Easy. Okay.
I’m so dragging this morning. I’m so tired.
McDonald’s recalls some Shrek glassware we’ve been selling. Of course, we don’t get told what to do about it. Not many customers even care, really.
We’re told to heavily promote the new frappes. I sell 6 in my last two hours and this makes me happy. Then I realize that my life sucks if that actually makes me happy.
I go home and I’m exhausted. Graduation at the local high school is tonight, and I was gonna go since a bunch of my friends are graduating, but I’m so tired.
I am happy for them, congrats to them, all that, but I will fall asleep there, seriously. I’ll go to their parties, but I’ll leave the actual ceremony to their families.
I get ice cream, come back, put it in the basement. 20 minutes later, I go down to the basement and the TV is on. It wasn’t on 20 minutes ago and no one has gone down there, so I’m a little freaked out.
I try counting sheep as I go to sleep tonight, but I get so bored with it after a little while. Then, of course, I can’t fall asleep.

I forgot about the Shrek glasses. We haven't done anything like that since then. Maybe the lead paint was a mistake.
To be fair to McDonald's, it's not like they let a lot of people get poisoned.


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