Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 53: Today, return all your junk mail

Day 53
Today, I’m supposed to send all my junk mail back to whoever sent it.
Problem is, I don’t get junk mail.
I have bad luck while I’m at work, anyways.
I’m only working 6 hours today, but they forget to give me a break. So I’m working these six hours without any food, and I have to ask if I can use the bathroom (which I find a bit embarrassing, so I wait as long as I can before I ask).
I survive, though. And when I’m leaving, I buy some food and my manager offers to provide me with free food tomorrow because they forgot my break. So I’m good.
I go to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for some cupcakes I plan to make (eventually). I also buy a lottery ticket and win $20 on it.
I don’t attribute my lottery luck to the Book, though. I really do just have amazing luck in the lottery. I have won over $250 in scratchcards, and I’ve only been playing for a bit over a year. Haven’t tried the actual lottery yet—I’m happy with my awesome luck in the scratchcards.
I have a pretty good day—until I can’t fall asleep tonight.


My lottery luck stopped by now.
bound to happen eventually.


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