Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 109: Test the foot you get out of bed on: RIGHT [and spiritual learning]

Day 109
Today I’m supposed to get out of bed on my right foot and see how my day goes.
I don’t know if I did this, to be honest. I’m awake before dawn today, I’m too sleepy to pay attention to what I’m doing.
I convince myself that I totally did as soon as I remember.
My day starts out badly. I’m awake way too early, and I feel nauseous at work. It’s really hot and the air isn’t on.
The day gradually gets better, though. My stomach feels better, at least.
I get home, plans to just relax all night, but instead my dad offers me a job for the night.
It’s some Indian religious group and their swami or guru or I don’t even know, really is visiting for the night, they want a video.
It’s a bit interesting at first. The man talks a lot about meditation and giving back to others, how service to other people improves your own life. It’s a philosophy I can agree with, despite not being part of whatever religion this is.
But then more and more people crowd into this tiny room that has no air conditioning, until there’s at least 200 people in there. No room to move, barely room to breathe. I am dying of heat.
When it ends and we get outside, it feels really nice and cool out there—and it’s 85 degrees with high humidity.
That was just too hot. Seriously.


I like learning about other religions. I'm not a spiritual person in any way, but it's interesting to learn what other people believe and what is right vs wrong for them.

I don't know if I need to ~announce what I'm changing about the blog, but I'm going to be putting what day the Book says it is plus what I actually did that day in the title.
To help my all of three readers choose to read days they're interested in. Maybe I'll get a fourth reader this way!


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