Day 108
Today I’m supposed to graffiti something.
Today starts way too early, with work.
One of my first customers is insane. He orders a breakfast burrito, then drops it on the ground. He starts shouting and cursing and throwing things around, then asks me for more ketchup.
I can see his burrito is literally covered with dirt. The floors haven’t been washed yet. So I ask if he needs a replacement.
He actually yells at me “NO!” and then proceeds to cover the dirt with ketchup and eat the burrito.
I feel sick.
I feel sick for a while after that, but I’m pretty sure that’s more because of the insane heat today. I’m dehydrated and it makes me nauseous.
I get over that after I get some water, thankfully.
The long day goes on and on and on, until finally I get home. I just chill in front of the TV for a while.
Then I hear the wonderful news about Prop 8 being overturned in California. This is such a great achievement for gay rights that it makes me want to throw a party, seriously.
I remember being really happy then, but now I don't even know what the status in California is. It's confusing.
actually, can anyone clear that up for me? I really do care about gay rights, but I'm not super-involved. I would like to know what's going on.
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