Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 220: Live today as if it were your last

Day 220
Today I’m supposed to live this day as if it were my last.
If I had known this before I went to work? I wouldn’t have gone to work.
I mean, money’s good, but if I’m dying tomorrow, I’m not gonna be able to spend it.
But at least I pig out on McDonald’s burgers and milkshake after work.
I freak out later tonight, ‘cause the internet dies and my dad can’t fix it for like an hour. But then he does, and it’s all good.
How do I live this day as if it were my last? I pig out. I talk to Mike a lot, but I can’t be with him, much as I really really want to.
Anyways, now for some stories as I told them to Mike, about crazy people at my work today.
ghostlyhamburger: 1. A woman who even my manager called crazy. she ordered a coffee in the morning, then sat on one of the barstool kind of chairs for literally two hours just swinging her feet like a little kid.
ghostlyhamburger: then she asked for a coffee refill. I made it for her, overfilled it a little bit, and gave it to her. She asked for some extra cream, no problem, I gave her the little creamer packets. then this conversation:
ghostlyhamburger: "No, I want the kind in the dispenser."
"This is exactly the same."
"I know."
"I want the kind in the dispenser."
ghostlyhamburger: The reason I didn't want to do that is because that coffee is hot (I've burned my hand twice before pouring it) and the cream dispenser tends to splash the coffee. onto my hand.
anyways, gave her the crean, only slightly burned my hand. then she leaned against the table for a full hour before wandering out.
ghostlyhamburger: 2. this one is a nice story. one of the regular customers, this old guy came in and asked for coffee and to pay for it tomorrow. a couple of the regulars ask this, and we're told that no we can't do that.
ghostlyhamburger: the woman in line behind him offered to pay for his coffee, since it was only a dollar. and that was a really nice thing and it was one of those THE WORLD IS GOOD moments.
ghostlyhamburger: after she gave him the money, she said "Happy Thanksgiving". he then commented, after she left, that Thanksgiving was Thursday but apparently some people didn't know that.
hersheykid101: ...
hersheykid101: she just bought you coffee.
hersheykid101: really?
hersheykid101: really??
ghostlyhamburger: He's mentally disabled.
hersheykid101: oh. ok.
hersheykid101: i'll shut up now.
ghostlyhamburger: I probably should have mentioned that at the start of the story.


I remember that day.


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