Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 151: Dinosaurs

Day 151
Today, I’m supposed to pick out my favorite dinosaur and see if it’s represented at the local natural history museum.
I don’t know of a local natural history museum. Nor do I know the technical name of my favorite dinosaur.
It’s whatever Ducky was in Land Before Time.
I start my day by waking up early and just chilling in my dorm. I’m up 3 hours before my first class.
I go to classes, hang out in my dorm, don’t do anything interesting. After my last class I decide to look up if there is an actual local natural history museum.
I’m surprised to find there is, but I don’t know if they have a Ducky, since obviously that’s not the actual name of the dinosaur.
House premieres tonight. I’m excited until I actually see it—it’s not one of the best episodes. But whatever, it was still good!


Anyone know what kind of dinosaur Ducky is?
I tried to look it up & didn't find out, just learned that the girl who voiced her was murdered. That's so sad.


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