Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 148: Leave a note on a car [and Mike can't plan things]

Day 148
Today, I need to leave a note on a car windshield.
Today is a good day. Today is a Mike day.
He’s here early and we get to cuddle and watch TV. It’s very nice.
And after I have class, Mike takes me to the store so that I won’t need to take a bus to the store later. I need some ingredients for cookies I plan to make.
Then we have a fun time watching Princess Bride and I eat an entire pint of ice cream (to make up for losing my emergency ice cream yesterday).
We make plans for tomorrow, and then he leaves.
A little bit later, he texts me saying we have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. He’s helping clean his church and he can’t see me.
I’m upset and annoyed. He’s done this before, cancelling plans on me because he’s agreed to help someone. I feel like I shouldn’t be mad at him, he’s got a legit reason, but still.


Mike is still not good at planning things, but he got a calendar, so that's helping.
I still have to make plans for us half the time. It gets a little frustrating, but it's how we work, so.


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