Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 19: Pretend to be a secret agent

Day 19
Today’s task is easy. Wait outside at 1:00 and wave at the gray car.
I’m outside at 1:00, but no gray car.
Instead, Mike picks me up. We’re going to the mall so I can buy a Mother’s Day present for my mom.
I get her a candle. It’s pretty much what I get her every year. This one is specifically for our family room that I’m helping redecorate.
Mike and I have fun hanging out at the mall. We hit a bunch of stores and it’s fun. I love the pet store, there’s some really cute and playful puppies there.
We go back to his house and watch some Doctor Who. I’ve never seen the show, but it’s pretty good.
We then head out for a double date with Ariel and her boyfriend. It’s fun. We go to dinner at some restaurant I’ve never heard of. (My sandwich sucks, but they have great fries.)
Then we go minigolfing. That’s fun, even though all of us end up cheating and we stop keeping score.
Ariel brings out dirty truth or dare on her phone. It’s fun. I don’t learn anything knew about Mike, but I do learn some things about Ariel I could have easily lived without knowing.
Then, Mike and I head back to the dorm. He’s staying the night tonight.
I have some trouble falling asleep. The bed’s small, and I’m not used to another person being in it. But eventually, I do sleep comfortably.


Never try to sleep with another person in a twin bed. especially if that other person snores.


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