Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 6
I’m sick today.
Just a little cold, but I really need to fight it off before the next week, when everything will be insane with final papers due and studying for my one final test.
Today, though, my task is easy. I have to write the opening line to my debut novel.
But which of my novels will be my debut?
Dear literary agents: PLEASE pay attention here! I want to be published!
From Anne, a science fiction story about how babies will be born in the future:
“Mommy, where do babies come from?”
From While Beauty Sleeps, a retelling of Sleeping Beauty:
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.
Those are the only two full novels I currently have written. (hint to those literary agents: Anne is better).
I’ve written a bunch of short stories, but I won’t give you those opening lines—they’re not novels.
But they are good stories. Know that.
I’m not focusing so much on the book today, I’ll be honest.
Arguing with my parents over what kind of room they’ll pay for next semester, finishing my papers, fighting off this cold…it’s insanity.
Also I should be doing laundry and dishes this weekend. Sigh. I’m so busy.

Actually I've been working on another novel since then, which I actually like.
so, any hypothetical literary agents? Etcetera. "Alice survived her freshman year."
yeah. I really can't remember this day.


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